13 July 2015

ViralTag : Your Visual Content Marketing Platform

ViralTag is a must have tool for anyone that is interested in marketing their content online as it is designed specifically for the promotion of visual content such as images and other types of multimedia.

Visual Content Discovery

ViralTag can be linked to Dropbox, Picasa, Instagram and many other social networks and file services. This allows you to organize all of your visual content from within one interface. This includes managing your content as well as posting it to various social platforms.

Content Scheduling

The great thing about ViralTag is that your visual content can be scheduled to ensure that it reaches your intended audience at the right time. This is great because it means that even if you are busy during the day you can jump on ViralTag in the morning and schedule your content for the entire day – or longer.

ViralTag - Visual content discovery

Pricing of ViralTag

Viraltag comes with several pricing options starting at just $29 per month with additional savings to be made from signing up to the annual plans. The services offered by ViralTag make this well worth the cost but if you are still not convinced then head over to ViralTag.com and avail of their no questions asked free trial.

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